I know, I know... You've been waiting with bated breath for an update about Ian's emergence... I guess I should apologize for the stretch you've all had to wait for news. That being said, this post will probably be pretty long, so bear with me. On our last episode, the wife was hooked up to the deal and we were waiting for go time. Well, after waiting pretty much all day with not much change, we were getting a little apprehensive. Our midwife was in and out all day checking up on us, but at around 9pm, she walked in with scrubs on and I thought, "Hmm, that's kinda weird..." Little did we know there was an intricate plot afoot to free Ian. I will say it was pretty impressive the way the midwife handled my wife, since the wife had been making it quite clear for months that the old cesarean gimmick was not in her future. Oh, cruel irony! From my point of view, however, that c-section thing is the way to do it. I mean, they came in a little after 9 to break the news and Ian was born at 10:09pm. With the "clean-up", it was like an hour and a half from start to finish. I kept hearing all these horror stories about 36-hour labors and stuff, so 90 minutes sounds pretty good to me. Anyway, Ian apparently had the umbilical cord above his head and around his arm, so he had to come out the hard way no matter what. Err, the easy way, or
whatever. So, they dug him out of his comfy little bubble and tossed him out into the cold world. He came out pretty purple, and there was admittedly a moment in which the thought crossed my mind that the wife had a little explaining to do about an encounter with someone of the more-pigmented-skin variety, but after a little oxygen he was as pink as daddy. I brought him over to his mommy so she could see him and then it was off to the nursery for the all important weigh-in. Twenty-one inches long, nine pounds, two ounces... It seemed the cord wasn't the only thing clogging up the escape hatch. After a couple minutes and a couple diapers filled with the most disgusting, tar-looking (color and consistency) shit you ever saw, the wife was sewn up and we could be reunited in the recovery room. I'm sure I have left out a bunch of pertinent stuff, but I just wanted to get back on the blog horse before I just gave it up, so I'm sure there'll be plenty of "oh, yeah, and then this happened..." strewn out through future posts. Plus, I've been trying to post this one for like a week, so I just have to get it up so we can get up to date, since at the
time of this transmission, Ian is already 4 weeks old. More to come, hopefully not once a month...