Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Silly Monster, tricks aren't for Ian...

So, we went to what technically should have been our last scheduled baby appointment yesterday, but it looks like there may be at least one more… I know my wife is so tired of carrying Ian, since she has pretty much been trying everything in her power to expedite the process. She walks everyday with the dog and I, and it’s always like “let’s go another block or two.” Pretty soon we’ll be walking for two hours at a time and I’ll be dragging my exhausted dog for the last mile. We tried the Canino’s thing, and the other day she ate a whole pineapple, since apparently those also speed things up. Finally, at the appointment yesterday, she did this membrane-scrape thing, which (without going into too much detail) is a little more touchy-feely way of encouraging Ian to materialize on this planet. Still nothing. Just for clarification, he is measuring 40 weeks, so the biscuits are done, so to speak… It’s not like we’re trying to make a preemie or anything, I just know my wife has had enough. I feel bad, but most of the time I can’t help but chuckle a little as she rolls and flops in and out of bed 20 times to pee a night, mostly since it kinda reminds me of those kinds of times we won’t have as often anymore, you know, like when you’re so drunk that you roll and flop out of bed 20 times to pee a night? Anyway, our official due date is still tomorrow (as I write this), so he could still arrive on time, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see exactly what little trick my wife tries finally works…

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