Friday, June 29, 2012

... did you miss me?

Well, hello again... I know it's been a while since we last chatted, but I really thought that I was of little interest, and between that and all the hustle and bustle of raising your first kid, I have admittedly slacked quite a bit from my duties... but no more! After several conversations with the wife, she has convinced me that others do read this stuff, and some were even slightly entertained, so I shall do my best to keep this going... or get it going again, or whatever... That brings us to the buho, which is what I call Ian. It means "owl" in Spanish, and I started calling him that when he would stare up at me with his almost-freakishly-big eyes. A lot has transpired since I last posted, so I'll try to sift out the highlights. Ian is getting bigger by the second, and he's super alert. He responds to almost anything... loud noises, touch, visual cues, everything. I'm pretty sure he recognizes mommy's and daddy's voices, too. The wife is back to work, so we've located someone worthy of hanging with Ian during the day. She's very close to where we live, and when we interviewed her, we just knew she was the one. Mommy takes Ian in the mornings, and daddy picks him up in the afternoons. I think I got the best end of that deal, because even though I don't think he notices too much now, soon he'll be happy to see daddy every day, and a little sad to leave mommy every day. Hmm, what else?.. We've started putting him in his co-sleeper on the other side of the room, so he gets used to sleeping alone, and I'm sure some day soon, he'll be christening his unused crib in his unused room. Other than that, his "likes" include a nice warm bath, a vibrating frog, and blasting his parents with various bodily fluids. His "dislikes" include being put down, milk at an inappropriate temperature, and riding in the car...Or even sitting in his car seat for that matter. I swear he's the only infant on the planet that doesn't just automatically fall asleep in the car. I've seen children's Motrin, children's Tylenol, but I get the strangest looks at the Walgreen's when I ask for children's Nyquil or children's Ambien... And on that bombshell, it's time to end. (Top gear reference) I'm sure I'm leaving out a lot, but with any luck I'll keep everyone up to date a little better than I have been.

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